Workout Wednesday – Kettlebell Fun!
Kettlebells are so fun to play with. I love their versatile use. It’s one of my recommendations for at home workouts for my clients. You only need 2 or 3 and you can make up a ton of workouts using them!
Todays workout:
✅ 4-5 Rounds or
✅ AMRAP in 20 Minutes
✅ Depending on strength levels you may need 2 kettlebells – One for numbers 1 -5 and maybe a heavier for #6 – kettlebells
1. Kettlebell Front Squat – 5 reps (R)
2. Single Leg Romanian Deadlift w/ Row – 5 reps (R)
3. Kettlebell Front Squat – 5 reps (L)
4. Single Leg Romanian Deadlift w/ Row – 5 reps (L)
5. Kettlebell Push Jerk – 5 reps per side
6. Kettlebell Swings – 10 – 20 reps (May want to use a heavier bell for these)
Check the video out on Youtube!
Have fun and let me know how it goes!
Need some more short and sweet workouts? I’ve got you covered, grab them right here!