Hey y’all,
I’ve got a challenging but quick workout for you. We are doing metabolic chains! All you need to know is listed below. Happy Training.
Metabolic Chain Workout 💪🏾🏋🏾
Metabolic Chain – Is a string of exercises performed back to back with no rest.
MC’s are a combo of both strength training and cardio. No need to do them separately, because you can get it done in one workout. Guess what that means? More time for you, and less time in the gym!
We are going outside of the box, normally with chain workouts, you add reps to just one of the movements and do just one rep for everything else. We are adding reps to each movement except for the inchworms in Part 1!
These type of workouts are going to increase calorie burn and perseverance your muscle. A win win!
Alrighty, lets get breathless and burning. Take rest as needed and then keep it moving.
Let me known how it goes!
The workout:
Part 1:
For each round you will add one additional rep until you hit 10 reps for the squat and the push up/hand release.
1 Squat —> Inchworm —> 1 Pushup/hand release
2 Squats —> Inchworm —> 2 Push ups/hand release
3 Squats —> Inchworm —> 3 Push ups/hand release
4 Squats —> Inchworm —> 4 Push ups/hand release
5 Squats —> Inchworm —> 5 Push ups/hand release
Continue on down 6, 7, 8, 9, 10…. Feeling like more go up 10, 9, 8, 7, 6…..
Part 2:
Kettlebell Chain – For each round you will add one additional rep until you hit 10 reps for the KB Clean and the KB Swing.
1 KB Clean —> 1 KB Swing
2 KB Cleans —> 2 Swings
3 KB Cleans—> 3 Swings
4 KB Cleans —> 4 Swings
5 KB Cleans —> 5 Swings
Continue on down 6, 7, 8, 9, 10…. Feeling like more go up 10, 9, 8, 7, 6…..
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