Ready get your strong and sweat on! Today’s workout is a full body dumbbell workout. Grab one or two dumbbells. You may need a lighter pair for some of the exercises depending on your strength. I’ve got some feedback on it already, they said it was good one!
Try this workout and let me know how it goes:
1a. DB Front Squat – 1 min
1b. Dumbbell Thruster – 30 sec
* Rest: Rest 30 sec to 1 min
* Repeat 2 – 3 sets
2a. Dumbbell Clean Press – 1 min
2b. Push – up/Row – 30 sec
* Rest: Rest 30 sec to 1 min
* Repeat 2 – 3 sets
3a. DB Alternating Reverse Lunge/Curl – 1 min
3b. DB Jumping Lunges 30 sec
* Rest: Rest 30 sec to 1 min between sets
* Repeat 2 – 3 sets
4a. DB Bent over Row/DB Upright Row Chain – 1, 2, 3, …. all the way up to 10. 2 sets
* Add 1 rep to each movement, all the way up 10
* 2 sets
* Rest 30 sec between the set
* Superset – complete both exercises back to back, then rest
Let me know how it goes!