It’s #TransformationTuesday! But I don’t have a before and after picture for you. This transformation Tuesday I want to you to think about your mindset. Renew your mind and show yourself some self love. I want to see women talk more positively about their bodies, accept compliments, and know that they are enough right here and right now.
When the mind is right the body will follow. Only then will you truly see transformation.
You can lose all the weight you want and get back into your favorite jeans but that doesn’t mean all will be right. Transformation really begins on the inside first.
Where to start? 👇🏾👇🏾
Start with your heart and how you think and feel about your body. Change the language – change how you speak about your body.
Find something on your body to love! Don’t try to hate yourself into weight loss – it won’t last long and you’ll be more frustrated and miserable.
Quiet the thoughts and voices about how your body should be. Stop the comparison! We all are uniquely made and one of a kind!
Hush the people telling you what you should do – tell them to mind their own dang business.
Close the magazines that are luring you in with the celebrity diet secrets. There are no secrets!
You wanna detox or cleanse? DETOX your mind from fitspo images that are making you feel bad about your body. CLEANSE anything up that’s not good for your mindset! Source
Don’t buy another diet book and don’t go another diet. I know your tired of the diet cycle. The binge – restrict – binge cycle. Gaining and losing the same 10 lbs year after year. You’re more than conquer and I know you can quit the diets because there is a better way!
Be transformed!
PS – I do have one transformation Tuesday post from awhile ago. I think we are always transforming, growing, and changing in one form or another. However, it all starts in the inside and what’s in the heart! Transformation isn’t always about losing weight.
How are you being transformed? Head over to my Facebook page and share with me!
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