You know it’s Lifestyle when..

There is no start or end date or a timeline if it’s a Lifestyle. Fitness and Nutrition fit effortlessly into your day. There is no “On and Off, ” no Wagons, No Tracks. There is just life and life happens, we hit bumps in the road, but we pick right back up where we left off.   You don’t have … Read More

TruthBombTuesday: 3 Ways to Boost your metabolism!

In this video that I did Live on Facebook, you will hear me discuss three tips to boost your metabolism. 1. Eat the Things 2. Lift The Things 3. Eat Your Protein Don’t waste your time on supplements claiming to boost your metabolism. If everything is not in order, supplements are not going to help you. Or any of that … Read More

Carbs are not the enemy plus 4 Ways to Make them work for you!

Carbs are always the ones to get the boot when it comes to trying to lose weight! You don’t have to eliminate whole food groups to get results! Ugh, carbs are not the enemy. Really, ladies, they are not the enemy. They are your friends or can be your friend. If you kicked them to the curb a while ago, … Read More

3 Non – Dieting Tools

un diet

    January 1st is just around the corner. As I write this, we are 10 days out from Jan. 1st. As you already know, I am Strength & Nutrition Lifestyle Coach. I don’t believe in any diets of any kind, quick fixes, wraps, pills, or potions.  I’m here going against the grain, going against the norm => you do … Read More

Five reasons why you are struggling to lose weight

losing weight

It’s that time of year where you will be bombarded with l00’s, if not millions, of quick-fix schemes – these things are some of the reasons why you are struggling to lose weight. Diets, detoxes, cleanses, you name it. Programs that are promising “X” number of pounds lost in a month or less. We are getting close to January 1st, … Read More

21 things you can do right now for better health!

health and nutrition

With all the noise surrounding fitness and nutrition, it can be hard to just get started. Don’t eat this, don’t eat that, workout 6x a week, do cardio 2x a day, no bread, no fruit, etc…. The list of dos and don’ts are a never-ending list of unsustainable ways to live one’s life.  All the craziness will make you cray cray! As … Read More

Moderation does work

  Moderation is the avoidance of extremism. Extremism is pushing it to the limit: – the quality or state of being extreme – not eating a loved food such as ice cream forever. Eating nothing but junk food is also extreme. Extremism sounds like a diet and smells like a diet. Extremism has a short expiration date, whereas moderation does … Read More

5 things to know about your metabolism

Hey hey y’all! Happy Friday.   Today’s five fitness Friday Favorites (Facts) is about our beloved metabolism. My number one advice for taking care of your metabolism is to treat your body right. Feed it well, move often, sleep, rest, and recover. Don’t deprive yourself of your favorite foods, just eat them moderately. When you go on a fat loss … Read More

5 Myths that you can let go forever!

Five Fitness Friday Facts – 5 myths that you can forever let go!         1. Eating gluten free/insert buzzword – does not mean you will lose weight automatically. Gluten free or eating clean does not mean it’s calorie free. Eat too much of anything you will gain. End of story. Fyi- gluten free products are just as … Read More

5 Ways to work with the Body – Dieting is not one of them!

  Diets work against the body, in every sense of the word. Diets set you up for failure in the long run. We have to deny, deprive, restrict, restrain, ban, and avoid foods that supposedly cause weight gain. Doing these very things – denying, depriving, will ultimately lead to weight regain when the diet is over.   Dictionary: Diet – … Read More