The Best Diet Ever is……

The BEST Diet Ever is…..     via GIPHY   Is the one that you can stick to. Is the one that you can adhere to. Is the one that enhances your life. Is the one that is Simple to implement. Is the one that doesn’t make you feel like death! Is the one that you can do forever! Is … Read More

Trainer Tip Tuesday: How to Make Kale Taste Better, dare I say Delicious!

How to Make Kale Taste Better, dare I say Delicious! I’ve been on a KALE kick lately. I’ve been eating it as the primary base in my salads, whereas b4 I had to have it mixed in with other greens. Kale is usually bitter and tastes like dirt when you eat it alone. Am I right?!😂🙅🏾‍♀️ Nobody wants to eat … Read More

Diet Detox Teas are A Scam!

Tweet: Diet detox teas are a scam. You have an internal detox system – it’s your liver and kidneys! You do not need any cleanses or teas to jump start your weight loss. You have kidneys and liver that do all the detoxing you may need. If they aren’t functioning right then you need to go to a doctor. Save … Read More

How to build your meals for fat loss!

Fat loss made Simple, Sane, and Sustainable! Video Blog:   Fat loss made Simple, Sane, and Sustainable! How to build your meals for fat loss! #AMEN Nutrition Guide    Don’t like to count and it drives you insane? Well you don’t have to count and you don’t have to go on a another fad diet nor follow a cookie cutter … Read More