First of all, muscle does weigh something, STRONG friend. Secondly, my purpose in writing this article is to help women look at the scale as only one tiny measurement of progress, and it never tells the whole story! Also, I hope that you, the reader, walks away with a better understanding of muscle mass & body composition. And, lastly, why … Read More
Workout Wednesday: Sliding and Burning Legs
Hi y’all! Happy Hump Day! I’ve got a leg and glute workout for you. Like the title says, you’ll be sliding and burning – lol! So, grab your paper plates, Valslides, or a washcloth and let’s work that lower body! Your glorious glutes, hamstrings, and your quads! 🍑💪🏾 ** Complete 5 rounds ** Rest as needed – preferably at the … Read More
Workout Wednesday – Landmine Lean Leg Lower Body Complex
Hey ladies! I can’t promise you long lean muscles because thats a myth – genetics determine the length of your muscles. Everyones muscle insertion points are different. So, the next time you see an advertisement for long muscles through “xyz” workout, it’s a marketing tactic that likes to prey on women’s insecurities about their bodies. As you may know getting … Read More