If you love bread, eat the bread, and if you enjoy a freakin donut, then have one every now and then – #IJS!
Stop Villainizing foods – Bread and sugar aren’t the problem.
No one particular food or food group contributes to weight gain! Excess calories also, known as a calorie surplus, is what causes weight gain. Absolute Avoidance of food is an extreme measure, unless you have an allergy or intolerance diagnosed by a MD. It will only be a matter of time before you binge on the food that was eliminated. It’s not if, it’s when.
So, you eliminated sugar or carbs and saw some weight loss. Do you know why? The elimination of these things caused a caloric deficit because those things were eaten in surplus prior to the elimination of them. So essentially you decreased your overall calorie intake. There is nothing magical about eliminating carbs and sugar. Not to mention, since you eliminated mostly carbs, you decreased your insulin response, which means you are shedding water (water weight) and muscle. This is especially true if the loss of weight is rapid. The scale weight will reflect this, but what we really should be losing is fat.
Muscle equals metabolism. Therefore, losing weight rapidly decreases your metabolism and uses your muscle for fuel. Losing muscle is not a good thing. Muscle is metabolically active; the more muscle you have, the more calories you burn at rest. Like I said before, losing muscle decreases your metabolism. The sucky part about this situation is that now you will have to maintain your weight on lower calories. See, the thing with elimination of carbs is that it brings water retention when you reintroduce carbs into your diet. The weight loss that you saw will come back tenfold.
We blame the foods themselves, but what we really need to do is put the fork down and push the table away. Making better choices as a whole and moving our bodies, like they are meant to, will help with the unwanted pounds. Moderation is key, not elimination. 🔑🙅🏾
Whether it’s honey, molasses, or natural sugars, it’s all sugar. So if you’ve eliminated sugar, but replaced it with another sugar, it’s still sugar. Looks like sugar, tastes like sugar, its sugar. 😋
The moral of the story is that elimination, restriction, banning is a temporary solution that is not sustainable. When you go back to normal eating, which you will, the weight will be back. Can you say without a doubt, that you will never eat bread or sugar again? 9 times out of 10 the answer is no.
If a nutrition plan asks you to eliminate something, then it’s a diet. You’ll have to ask yourself “can I sustain this for the rest of my life?” If so, then carry on. So, that means no more sweets, no more of your favorite aunt’s apple pie. And don’t forget you also said no carbs. So, you mean, you will never eat a sandwich again, or pizza, if that’s something you love.
You can eliminate all the food you want, but if you don’t change some habits, what’s the point?
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