Five Fitness Friday Favorites: 5 Eats I’m Loving Right Now

Five Fitness Friday Favorites!! Five things I’m loving! 1. Pero Family Farms Fresh Green Beans 2. Pero Family Farms Sweet Peppers 3. Ready to Drink Protein Shake – Premier Protein – I really enjoy the Carmel and Strawberry ones! 4. Think Thin Oatmeal Cups and Kodiak Cakes Flapjacks On The Go – I really enjoyed the Cinnamon and Maple one … Read More

You know it’s Lifestyle when..

There is no start or end date or a timeline if it’s a Lifestyle. Fitness and Nutrition fit effortlessly into your day. There is no “On and Off, ” no Wagons, No Tracks. There is just life and life happens, we hit bumps in the road, but we pick right back up where we left off.   You don’t have … Read More