The 3 M’s of Fat Loss

Weight loss and fat loss are often used interchangeably, but they are not the same thing. Weight loss, for example, is the loss of fat-free mass (muscle) and fat mass, fluids (water), etc. The primary focus here is to get the scale weight to go down; nothing else matters, even if you lose your soul doing it. Gaining fat and … Read More

Five Principles of Fat Loss


Potions, pills, teas, quick fixes, wraps, {Insert Any Diet} are a short-term solution with long-term consequences. I repeat you do not have to ban foods or go on any particular diet to have lasting, sustainable fat loss. We have this misconception that we have to suffer through the process. That we can’t eat foods that bring us enjoyment. This is … Read More

What feeds the fat, when you’re trying to lose fat?

    You’re doing the all the things right. Started your body transformation, let’s say 8 weeks ago. Things were going along smoothly, scale weight dropping and clothes feeling looser. So, all is well. You get excited and decide to drop the calories a bit lower and add another day of cardio, because why not? Trucking along 3 weeks later … Read More