Tone up with Deadlifts!

Saturday sweat sessions at the bar! Ladies wanna get strong, increase your metabolic burn, and feel bad ass!? Pick up the barbell, you won’t look back. See you don’t need a bunch of exercises with 5 lb. dumbbells. Toned arms don’t come from curling light dumbbells for 20 reps. 🙅🏾 Isolation exercises are secondary to compound movements! 👇🏾👇🏾 Push, pull,carry, … Read More

How to Hip Hinge! Trainer Tip Tuesday

How to Hip Hinge! ‪#‎TrainerTipTuesday‬ Hey guys, today I want to teach you how to do a hip hinge, which is necessary for several strength building movements. Some of those strength building movements are deadlifts – all variations, good mornings, and kettlebell swings – contrary to popular belief, the swing is not a squat to a front raise. The KB … Read More