Stability Hamstring Curl/Glute Bridge Hybrid Targets that backside also known as your posterior chain! * Hamstrings * Glutes How to do: 1. Place your heels on the ball 2. Lift up, squeeze your glutes/ brace your core – this will keep you stable and not wobbly. 3. Don’t hyperextend your lower back 4. Keep the weight distributed through your upper … Read More
Workout Wednesday: Glutes Salute
Happy Hump Day y’all! I’ve got a Glute focused workout for you today! So, why would you want a glute focused workout? Well why not? Because glutes, because strong powerful legs, because glutes look good in jeans. And, last but defiantly not least, having strong glutes helps prevent injuries. So let’s train em up and keep them activated! Ladies, its … Read More