Wanting to Build ze muscles, aka Bulk? I got you! Let’s build your body brick by brick. First things first, bulking isn’t just for men. If most women actually trained like they want to get bulky, they would actually look like they lift! What is bulking: Bulking is just another word/phrase for building muscle. It is intentional. It requires a … Read More
The Fast Way to Build Muscle: A Guide to Achieving Lasting Results
Building muscle can often feel like a slow and tedious process. In a world that promotes quick fixes for every fitness and health goal, it’s easy to get caught up in the illusion of overnight transformations. However, the truth is that building muscle requires commitment and a consistent approach. In this blog post, we’ll explore the fast way to build … Read More
Stop White-Knuckling Your Way Through Your Diet: A Better Approach to Fat Loss!
You don’t know whatcha don’t know until you know! Building muscle and doing fat loss the right way is lost on most women. So, when you know better, you do better. Well, if you don’t know how to do things better, I got you! Let’s dive into the ways you’ve been doing this fat-loss thing and muscle-building the wrong way. … Read More
Muscles Weighs Something, Right?!
First of all, muscle does weigh something, STRONG friend. Secondly, my purpose in writing this article is to help women look at the scale as only one tiny measurement of progress, and it never tells the whole story! Also, I hope that you, the reader, walks away with a better understanding of muscle mass & body composition. And, lastly, why … Read More