Maintain, Don’t Gain This Holiday Season!
1. Eat at maintenance calories during the holiday season
2. Sample the food rather than eating large or full portions. Eat the things that you love and skip the rest.
3. Eat something before you head out for the festivities. Don’t go hungry to a party. You’ll be more likely to eat more if you’re hungry.
4. Fill up on protein and veggies and pick one or two sweet treats. Pick smaller portions of those sweet treats.
5. Order what you want at the party and have the waiter split it into two, half for now and half for later. Therefore you won’t fill deprived and you won’t eat a full entrees worth of calories.
6. If you over indulge and eat a little to much – Oh well. Move on, it’s just food. Food holds no moral value.
7. Okay, so your eating these extra calories, instead of thinking how your gonna work it off or how much cardio you’ll have to do, use those calories to build some muscle or work on lagging body parts.
8. Politely decline, saying no thank you to foods that you don’t like or want. This is not the only time a piece of cheese cake will be available. You see, some of these same foods are always around throughout the year.
Happy Holidays y’all! Enjoy the time with friends and family with out worrying and counting calories!
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