One-time Zoom Coaching Call

Need some guidance with your nutrition or fitness goals? I offer a 60 Minute STRONGER You One-on-One Coaching Call to help you figure things out and set you up for success via Zoom Video Conferencing!

On your Power Hour, we will do a complete audit of your fitness, nutrition, lifestyle, dieting history, mindset, and what you are currently doing – is it working, not working, and what to do about it.

We look at everything. We can also use the session for whatever questions you have or what help you need. We also tackle the top 3 things that you would like to start doing right away – to help you get some wins under your belt.

These sessions are for folks that don’t want or need One-on-One ongoing coaching at this time but still want some coaching, guidance, and direction with their health and fitness journey!

One-on-One, One-off Coaching Call Fee (this is not ongoing coaching): Click the BUY NOW $250 (After you check out on PayPal, don’t forget to schedule your STRONGER You Coaching Call here after purchasing your coaching session if you missed it after checking out! 

After our Power Hour Coaching Call…. You will walk away from the call with better clarity on the direction you should go with on your Health, Fitness, and Nutrition journey!